In addition to combating mental health abuses throughout the world, CCHR International provides educational resources for citizens of all nations, including its on-site Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum—an in-depth tour which lays bare the destruction wrought by psychiatrists upon every sector of society.

Message from the President

Scores of parents are denied the right to choose the kind of education their child should be given, are coerced into administering mind-altering psychiatric drugs, or forced to subject their children to mandatory “screening” for mental disorders for which no scientific evidence exists.

However, through the work of CCHR:

  • Legislation in the U.S. has been enacted that bans the use of electroshock and psychosurgery on children.
  • Legislation has been passed in Piemonte, Italy, which prohibits the use of ECT on children, the elderly and pregnant women.
  • Laws on informed consent for treatment have been passed, thereby reducing the numbers of people subjected to ECT.
  • Deep sleep treatment—a lethal combination of drugs and electroshock—has been banned in Australia, where it had been responsible for at least 48 deaths.
  • A U.S. law has been enacted prohibiting children from being forced onto psychiatric drugs as a requisite for their education.
  • In several countries, federal regulations and laws have been enacted against the use of coercive restraint methods.
  • Legislation has been enacted directing that psychiatric rape of patients is dealt with through criminal courts.
  • Legal precedents have been set ensuring that patients abused by psychiatrists have the right to sue in a civil court, and be compensated for damaging psychiatric treatment to which they have been subjected.
  • Thousands of citizens have been rescued from illegal incarceration or unlawful detainment and patients have regained their legal and civil rights.  

Mental health can be created, but only through:

  • Effective mental healing delivered in a calm atmosphere characterized by tolerance, safety, security and respect for people’s rights.
  • By restoring individuals to personal strength, ability, competence, confidence, stability, responsibility and spiritual well-being.
  • Using highly trained, ethical practitioners who are committed primarily to the well-being of their patients and their patients' families, not financial gain.

This description bears no resemblance to mental treatment under psychiatry today. Psychiatry does not produce mental health, but rather mental ill health and millions of ruined lives.

At CCHR we work to help bring about an environment for mental healing that is based upon human dignity and decency. As a result of our efforts, millions have avoided the ravages of psychiatric treatment.

We welcome you to our website and hope you will avail yourself of this opportunity to better guarantee the future for your loved ones, your friends and yourself.


Jan Eastgate
Citizens Commission on
Human Rights International

Jan Eastgate has investigated psychiatric abuses for more than thirty years. Politicians, lawyers, psychologists and civil rights workers have described her as a “tireless campaigner” and a person of “enormous determination and courage who has performed remarkable work.”  In her native Australia, Ms. Eastgate helped achieve a Royal Commission (highest level of government inquiry) into deep sleep treatment, a lethal psychiatric practice involving a heavy drug cocktail and electroshock. The government banned this practice and compensated hundreds of patients. Based in Los Angeles at CCHR’s international headquarters for more than fifteen years, Ms. Eastgate has personally conducted investigations into and inspections of psychiatric facilities and conditions in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa, Russia and the United States.